Sunday, March 15, 2009

Hating What's Right

This lecture by Evan Sayet (9/11 conservative convert) was one that explains his concept of how liberals make decisions. This concept subsumes Jew/US hatred under the same umbrella and provides a cogent rationale for the ever-present Jew-hater at the anti-war rallies...Notes and embedded video below-watch it if you have the time:

To the liberal, Indiscriminateness is a moral imperative

However, indiscriminateness of thought does not lead to indiscriminateness of sides with evil.

Because of the indiscriminateness, there is no justification for anything that is better than anything else, therefore, failure is de facto proof of victimization

A multiculturalist (one that believes that all cultures are equal) must de facto be a supporter of tyranny

Either there is is something exceptional about our culture, or there is nothing special about our culture. It the latter, our success is unjust and our longevity is proof positive that we cheated...among the most unjust in the history of the world.

The multiculturalist can't believe that we are an exceptional culture, therefore we stole our success.

"Objectivity is undesirable if history is to serve a social purpose." - Howard Zinn

Jew hatred goes hand in hand with US hatred...because of the same exact reason

The act of criminality is de facto proof that the criminal has been victimized

To not believe that the terrorists were not provoked is racism

The more heinous the crime, the more victimized the criminal must have been
Seeking the truth is an act of bigotry to the left.

In order for this to make sense, we must elevate the provocation to the level of the crime. Why would Durbin call our troops Nazis? Because the evil he is championing rises to that level.

Liberals have an inability to identify the "better things in life"
--Life is zero sum. If so, the way to prevent poverty is to prevent success
in the "grown-up world" all ships rise with the tide

In order to help people lead better lives, conservatives want to train people in better behaviors, but Liberals attack the behaviors, because they are signs of bigotry.

example: abstinence - this is a good practice for children, look at social statistics apart from any religious consideration. But, Liberals invariably promote destructive behaviors - "F- abstinence" rally.

Once the failure they've promoted takes place, they scream that they must confiscate our money to create a program to deal with the program

This promotion of behavior that lead to failure instead of Orwellian

1. Isolated from consequences of his own beliefs (when you live in a utopia, these ideas don't affect him) musicians and college students, celebrity and academia
2. Stupidity is a luxury...those who are on the left are those that can afford to be

Exceptions in celebrity - Professional in a field of objective truth
Exceptions in academia - Hard sciences...

Q & A
The goal of the modern journalist is not objective truth, it is neutrality

Time is not on our side
a. Need to engage in the fight
b. We need to stand up for what is right

One-Party Classroom

"The wolves of the left, sensing a new opening with a new administration, are circling. Dangerous organizations like ACORN and feel that Obama's victory is theirs as well. Poisonous figures like George Soros, Louis Farrakhan, and Bill Ayers who have spent their lives trying to tear America down feel newly empowered by the election results. Israel haters are licking their chops. Like their bloodthirsty comrades abroad, Islamo-Fascists here at home are ready to step up the stealth jihad they are waging against our universities and other domestic institutions. I have one thing to say to the leftists who would try to take advantage of America's present vulnerability: NOT ON OUR WATCH!"

--from David's excellent
conservative activist website,

I have been saying this...

Remember the $4B to Acorn in the stimulus bill? It's just the tip of the iceburg...

"It's a job patronage system" - caller to Michael Savage

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Conservative Principles

Four transformational challenges faced by this generation simultaneously:
1. Social and economic turmoil of globalization (industrial to a globalized marketplace)
2. Evil enemy in al-qaeda
3. Rise of Communist chinese superstate and a strategic threat
4. Will moral relativism erode a nation built upon self-evident truths

The way to address these challenges are through the principles of conservativism as explicated by Thaddeus McCotter:

1. Liberty is from God, not government
2. Sovereignty in souls, not soil
3. Security comes through strength, not surrender
4. Prosperity from the private, not public, sector
5. Truths are self-evident, not relative

Monday, March 9, 2009

The Tipping Point

Without having given a whole lot of thought to this concept, (caveat in case I write something unduly stupid) I tend to think that, if we have passed a tipping point of sorts in our nation toward socialism, it is due to our former President and his many willing accomplices.

The last President represented much of what we had hoped for in a President...someone who placed great value on preborn human life, appointed, SCOTUS justices -- he just wasn't a conservative.

However, his penchant for using government to achieve economic equity set the stage for the drubbing that conservatives received in the last election...because no one can outspend the liberals.

Over the last 50 years, we've been on vacation...getting fat on the government dole. Bush primed the pumps for the current massive acceleration of our reliance by doing things just conservative enough to earn the ire of a large percentage of the population and just liberal enough to lose his friends.

And now, we have what we voted for...a group of elitists wealthy from years of "public service" ready to fill up their stockings with a wish list that has been growing since 1994. Make no mistake, this talk about government creating temporary deficits is illusory...there is no such thing as a temporary government anything. Reagan said

No government ever voluntarily reduces itself in size. Government programs, once launched, never disappear. Actually, a government bureau is the nearest thing to eternal life we'll ever see on this earth!

The best we can do is reform a government program, like welfare reform in 1996 -- a very successful reform that is being undone as we speak.

One can hope that the ineptitude that our current President has shown in foreign policy will be a harbinger of his success at getting his agenda foisted upon the American people.